Aalten, March 2024: Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is now realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.
In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.
As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this. The funds - 17,100 euros were provided by the GoodTextiles Foundation and 5,129 euros were added by the cotton company - are currently being used to build the organic sand water filters
Drinking water is in short supply
During the needs analysis by MMP Agro, the communities emphasised the lack of clean drinking water as a major problem. The villagers obtain their water from nearby springs. However, this must be boiled before it can be consumed, otherwise it can make people ill. But firewood and charcoal are not always available. Moreover, the demand for firewood is depleting the local forests.
Bio-sand-waterfilters can solve the problem
Bio-sand-waterfilters are very effective in purifying water and removing all bacteria and impurities, making the water drinkable without the need to boil it. Bio-sand-waterfilters can purify up to 20 litres of water per hour, providing safe, clean water for the entire household. The bio-sand-waterfilter is a constructed frame filled with layers of sand and gravel that slowly purifies the water. It is made from locally available materials that are not harmful to humans or the environment. Its use is free of any risks or hazards for the user or the environment.

Captation: The bio-sand-waterfilters purify he water and remove bacteria and impurities without boiling
Bio-sand-waterfilters can solve the problem
Bio-sand-waterfilters are very effective in purifying water and removing all bacteria and impurities, making the water drinkable without the need to boil it. Bio-sand-waterfilters can purify up to 20 litres of water per hour, providing safe, clean water for the entire household. The bio-sand-waterfilter is a constructed frame filled with layers of sand and gravel that slowly purifies the water. It is made from locally available materials that are not harmful to humans or the environment. Its use is free of any risks or hazards for the user or the environment.
Long-term, sustainable help beyond the duration of the project
The lifespan of the bio-sand-waterfilters is estimated to be at least 15 years, making them a long-term solution for households.
MMP AGRO will also train farmers and local craftsmen in the community in the construction of bio-sand-waterfilters in order to expand the project. This will ensure that new filters can be built even after the 15-year lifespan of the filters and that additional filters can be built locally for other community members and beyond.